Where your company does stands on Technology Platform?

Where your company does stands on Technology Platform? In present COVID situation, every company has an opportunity to evaluate on various business & technology parameters. This will guide to draw strategy plan for next 5 years with goals.This is a challenge, who & how this evaluation will be done to draw plan. Few guiding parameters […]

SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics & Cloud) in Life Science VerticalWhat is SMAC?

SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics & Cloud) in Life Science Vertical What is SMAC? SMAC is new terminology for a collaborative technology using Social Media Mobility Analytics Cloud With strong development of smart phones during last 5 years, access to data from any where at any time is possible Cloud Technology offer sharing of hardware & […]

Road Map for Industry 4.0

Road Map for Industry 4.0 Adoption of Industry 4.0 offers extra ordinary possibilities in manufacturing. Drafting a blue print is first step, few guidelines are discussed here.Industry 4.0 will require new business models to implement in Supply Chain Management. Innovation in improving operating processes will bring many benefits across each operation.Following technologies must be adopting […]

Importance of Manufacturing Execution Systems in Industry 4.0

Digitisation Opportunities in Regulatory Industry The organisations are already planning to implement Industry 4.0. Role of MES (Manufacturing Execution System) is a backbone of Industry 4.0. Today most solutions are supporting data silos, with lack of integration. This affects productivity of machines and manpower; process efficiency and lack of visibility reduces correct decision making. Adoption […]

Digitisation Opportunities in Regulatory Industry

Digitisation Opportunities in Regulatory Industry Regulatory industry is having challenges like maintaining documentation and supporting complex global supply chain management. This is becoming more challenging during and after pandemic situation. There is increasing requirement of skills at various operating areas with continuous changes in business processes and required documentation. Only adoption of automation, can increase […]

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation The present uncertain global economy opens an opportunity of reengineer, renovate present operating processes.Digitisation will bring great results by improving customer centricity, operational excellence & resolve complex supply chain management issues.Digital Transformation process can adopt emerging technologies of Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics, Chatbot, and Blockchain to next level of technology.Digital Transformation […]

CIO’s Challenges & Opportunities in present Uncertainty

CIO’s Challenges & Opportunities in present Uncertainty In a fast changing Business Requirements & Technology Adoption, CIOs have many challenges. Business uncertainty due to present economy requires correct information for better decision making.This is creating many new opportunities by adopting right technology, which is easy to adopt & cost effective to support new business processes.

Challenges in Digital Transformation

Challenges in Digital Transformation Identify Priority Functional areas for Digitisation. Get Management Commitment. Depute Team having strong Domain & System Knowledge with Readiness for Change Management. Get Involvement and Commitment from all departments. Prepare Standard Operating Procedures to match Digitisation Target. Draw Development and Implementation Strategy with Project Plan. Develop Prototype and roll out to […]

Challenges for Pharma CFO

Challenges for Pharma CFO Pharma CFO’s have a tightrope walking in present situation and will be more challenging Post COVID. They have to balance by maintaining Profit Maximization, manage supply chain & other business challenges. The fast changing technology adoption is still unable to deliver expected results. Company’s maturity to adopt business processes & technology […]

Achievable Benefits by adoption of Internet of Things (IoT)

Achievable Benefits by adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) Internet of Things (IoT) is developing a network by connecting various operating processes and machines, though sensors or devices. These sensors capture data like temperature, pressure, process parameters, quantity, quality parameters, materials movement, and many operations. This data is captured in real time basis and communicated […]